
The gravesite of Princess Elizabeth Kahanu yesterday at Oahu Cemetery. She was born in Makawao Maui in 1878, married Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianiole after the overthrow. Following the death of Kuhio, she became the second delegate to congress from Hawaii. She actually saw the Hawaiian Homes act into existence. Mauna Ala the Royal Masoleum was rebuilt by her using her own money. She died in 1932 and rests next to her second husband James Frank Woods in Oahu Cemetery. In 1994 Princess Kahanu Estates became the 'Department of Hawaiian Homelands' first master planned community Development.

Oahu Cemetary - Nuuanu, Oahu

Oahu Cemetary

Princess Elizabeth Kahanu

Princess Kahanus Grave

Mauna Ala - Nuuanu, Oahu

Mauna Ala


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